How Maya Enters
When a living entity utilises its free will to seek enjoyment separate from Krishna, maya comes into play: “Turning his face away from Krishna, the jiva (living entity) develops the desire to enjoy. Standing nearby, maya slaps him and seizes hold of him.” (Prema-vivarta)
Srila Prabhupada succinctly depicts the quandary: “The Lord does not desire that a living being be illusioned by external energy. The external energy is aware of this fact, but still she accepts a thankless task of keeping the forgotten soul under illusion by her bewildering influence. The Lord does not interfere with the task of the illusory energy because such performances of the illusory energy are also necessary for reformation of the conditioned soul. An affectionate father does not like his children to be chastised by another agent, yet he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe man just to bring them to order. But the all-affectionate Almighty Father at the same time desires relief for the conditioned soul, relief from the clutches of the illusory energy. The king puts the disobedient citizens within the walls of the jail, but sometimes the king, desiring the prisoners’ relief, personally goes there and pleads for reformation, and on his doing so the prisoners are set free. Similarly, the Supreme Lord descends from His kingdom upon the kingdom of illusory energy and personally gives relief in the form of the Bhagavad-gita, wherein He personally suggests that although the ways of illusory energy are very stiff to overcome, one who surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord is set free by the order of the Supreme.” (SB 1.7.5)
One aspect of maya to act on the living entity is known as praksepatmika-sakti, or the ‘throwing potency.’ Another aspect of maya is known as avaranatmika- sakti, or the ‘covering potency.’ So by her intrigues, maya will throw the living entity into a material situation, and then cover that living entity’s intelligence in such a way that it wilfully remains in such an illusory and unhappy condition. Of course, through the proper utilisation of free will and sincere practice of spiritual life, one can easily become free of maya’s influences: “One is immediately freed from the clutches of maya if he seriously and sincerely says, ‘My dear Lord Krishna, although I have forgotten You for so many long years in the material world, today I am surrendering unto You. I am Your sincere and serious servant. Please engage me in Your service.’” (CC Madhya 22.33)
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