The Great Fight

Chapter 10, 11

A great fight ensued. The demigods fought with great vigour, causing the fearful demons to flee, until only Vritrasura, their commander-in-chief, was left on the battlefield. The demon encouraged the demigods to follow dharma and fight as proper warriors, after which he valiantly attacked them all. Vritrasura came face-to-face with Indra and angrily rebuked him for killing Visvarupa, who was a brahmana, a spiritual master and his brother.

Though in battle with Indra, Vritrasura encouraged him to employ the special thunderbolt and gain victory. This, the demon said, was all ordained by Vishnu. He knew that he would also be blessed to die in that way, and thus be released from material existence. Indra was still reluctant, and Vritrasura thus prayed to the Lord, further revealing his devotional disposition in beautiful prayers of surrender. It was becoming crystal clear that this was no ordinary demon.

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