Killing More Demons

Chapter 66, 67

Paundraka: Illusioned by the false praise of others, this proud demon claimed to be the ‘real’ Krishna and audaciously invited the Lord for battle. Krishna journeyed to Kasi, where He found Paundraka who had incredulously imitated the Lord’s external appearance. Krishna laughed at the sight, destroyed his armies, and then cut off the imposter’s head. Kasiraja, a supporter of Paundraka, was also killed.

Sudaksina: Kasiraja’s son, Sudaksina, created a fierce demon to avenge his father’s death. When the demon arrived in Dwaraka, the incredible heat of Krishna’s Sudarshan Chakra drove the demon back to Varanasi, where he killed his own creator, Sudaksina.

Dvivida: This wicked ape was annoyed by Krishna’s killing of Narakasura. In retaliation, he destroyed parts of Anarta (Krishna’s province), and severely harassed the residents. Once, he encountered Balarama enjoying His pastimes, and disturbed the entire ambience with obscene gestures and vulgar behaviour. A fight ensued in which they repeatedly struck each other with uprooted trees, until Balarama eventually killed him.

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