Bhakti-yoga elevates one to the highest perfection, allowing the sincere practitioner to skip other arduous practices prescribed for one’s purification. It is also a process which empowers one to skip over the inevitable obstacles we encounter in life. When Dhruva and Pracinabarhisat were bewildered about their future, Narada Muni instructed them in the science of devotion and helped them effortlessly skip towards perfection. Guided by an ideal spiritual leader like Maharaja Prthu, all his subordinates were able to skip over difficulties and discover peace and happiness. On the other hand, Daksa’s ignorance, pride and envy caused him to offend Siva and mistreat Sati, and thus, instead of skipping to perfection, he found himself slipping into degradation.
Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. We are taking away a person from the illusionary stage to the real stage of Krishna consciousness.
Dr. Hauser: But it also seems to me that you have, by gaining this consciousness, you can skip a lot of hard work that it takes in ordinary analysis or in a group therapy, for example...
Prabhupada: No hard work. It is very easy, very easy. Just like we recommend this chanting Hare Krishna mantra. Anyone can chant. Even child can chant.
Hamsaduta: His point is that we..., our processes skip all this work that they do in an ordinary psychiatric ward or...
Prabhupada: Yes. We ask them to refrain from four prohibitive principles: no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating, no intoxication. And chant Hare Krishna. That’s all. Refrain from these prohibitions, and chant Hare Krishna. And he becomes sane, Krishna conscious. Very easy.
- Srila Prabhupada, Room Conversation, 10th September 1973, Stockholm
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