Maharaja Pariksit’s doubt about the Lord’s impartiality triggered the transcendental narrations of Canto Seven. Though born in a demoniac family, Prahlada received the gift of divine grace, demonstrating how the Lord’s mercy is open to everyone. He constantly remembered the Lord and engaged himself in hearing and reciting His transcendental pastimes. In loving reciprocation, Lord Nrsinghadeva dramatically appeared to protect him and open the doors to the spiritual world. Narada Muni later explained how adherence to the Varnasrama system opens up opportunities to purify oneself, please Krishna and perfect spiritual life.
Do you think that God is in that way partial? No. It is the... Just like the sunshine. Sunshine is open for everyone, but one who does not take advantage of the sunshine, he keeps himself within the dark room, oh, the sun, what can sun do? Similarly, this partiality of God, that He takes special interest of the devotees because the devotees are able to take the Supreme, the complete sunshine of Krishna, it is not the partiality of the sun or Krishna, but it is the capacity of the person who can take full advantage of the sunshine. One should come out of the darkness and take full advantage of the sunshine. So sun is open for everyone. Similarly, God is open for everyone. One who comes out of this darkness of ignorance, he takes more advantage of Krishna’s favour.”
~ Srila Prabhupada, Lecture, 8th December 1966, New York
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