A - Astronomical Avataras (16-19)

The astronomical analysis of the Srimad-Bhagavatam is remarkable. It describes innumerable universes, each one a spherical shell surrounded by layers of elemental matter that separate material space from the unlimited spiritual world. The region within the shell is called the Brahmanda, or ‘Brahma egg.’ It contains an earth disk or plane – called Bhu-mandala – that divides the universe in half. Bhu-mandala is divided into a series of geographic features, traditionally called dvipas (islands), varsas (regions), and samudras (oceans). The Lord appears in each varsa (region of the earth) as the astronomical avatara to whom the residents offer choice prayers. Of the nine varsas, Bharata-varsa (the region we are currently living in) is especially glorified as the ideal place for spiritual cultivation.

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