
Over and over again, the Srimad-Bhagavatam describes how every saintly king was planning for succession. In the material world, leaders cling on to their position until the day they are practically dragged from their seats of power. The rajarsis, however, fully alert to the goal of life, would give up their positions at the opportune time – their detachment would neither be irresponsibly quick, nor needlessly delayed, and they would allow young, fresh and qualified leaders to take up the responsibility. They were able to detach themselves from incredible influence and opulence without any hesitation whatsoever. Indeed, it is said of Bharata Maharaja: “While in the prime of life, the great Maharaja Bharata gave up everything because he was fond of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Uttamasloka. He gave up his beautiful wife, nice children, great friends and an enormous empire. Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty.” (SB 5.14.43)

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