Ultimate Atonement

Chapter 1

Maharaja Pariksit recapped the topics he had heard thus far, and then enquired how one can mitigate sinful reactions and escape the hellish suffering described at the conclusion of the previous Canto.

In response, Sukadeva Goswami first prescribed the solution of ritual atonement (prayascitta). Maharaja Pariksit rejected this, sensing that people would invariably fall into the cycle of sin again, just like an elephant who bathes but then immediately covers itself in dust. Merely cancelling the bad with the good would not be a comprehensive solution. Sukadeva Goswami then offered the solution of cultivating knowledge (jnana), which removes ignorance, the deeper cause of sin. Maharaja Pariksit remained unconvinced, feeling that there was still a chance for the weeds of sin to reappear. The root cause hadn’t been addressed.

In conclusion, Sukadeva Goswami established bhakti as the process which uproots sin in such a way that it will never come back. Just as the first rays of sunshine dissipate the fog, the unparalleled power of bhakti comprehensively destroys one’s sinful life and is therefore established as the ultimate atonement.

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