Dhritarastra Departs

Chapter 13

Suta Goswami continued narrating the incidents leading to Maharaja Pariksit’s coronation.

Previously, being insulted by Dhritarastra, Vidura had left the palace and embarked on a pilgrimage. After completing his travels, Vidura still felt a deep compassion for his misguided brother and thus decided to try and help him one more time. After being joyfully received in the palace, Vidura swiftly turned to Dhritarastra and warned him about the dangers of remaining attached to family life. After reminding the blind King of his ailing health and shameless dependence on others, the inspiration of renunciation awakened within Dhritarastra. Vidura’s cutting words had done the trick! The saintly advisor encouraged him to renounce his royal opulence and seize the opportunity to immerse himself in spiritual practice.

Having experienced a change of heart, Dhritarastra, accompanied by his wife, immediately severed his family connections and journeyed toward the Himalayas in the pursuit of spiritual perfection. Maharaja Yuddhistira and Sanjaya were completely shocked when they realised that Dhritarastra, Gandhari and Vidura had all left. Narada Muni arrived at the palace and brought everything into perspective. He highlighted the temporal nature of material existence and reminded them that Krishna is the only real protector. Narada predicted the auspicious passing away of Dhritarastra in five days and explained how his chaste wife, Gandhari, would follow suit. This indeed came to pass. Because of spiritual immersion, Dhritarastra attained the Absolute (liberation).

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