Srimad-Bhagavatam describes what is real gold; the most valuable gain in the entire creation. In Gajendra’s crisis he realised that the Lord was his best friend, ever-present and eager to protect His devotees. During the churning of the milk ocean, the demigods concluded that Krishna was the only shelter. Bali Maharaja demonstrated how the perfection of life is to surrender everything to Krishna. Each story highlights the glory of Krishna and pure devotional service unto Him, encouraging us to make that our ultimate aim in life. If we don’t know what gold is, we’ll end up chasing iron.

“Just like if a person knows what is gold, then anywhere gold, he’ll understand, “Here is gold.” It does not mean only gold..., in certain shop only gold is available. But if he knows what is God, what is meaning of God, that he will find in Krishna in fullness. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam [SB 1.3.28]. The sastra says how He is Bhagavan, what is Bhagavan. You should understand and see from the activities of Krishna whether He is not Bhagavan. It requires brain to understand. I say, “Here is God.” Now it is up to you. If you know what is God, then test it, and then you’ll accept God. If you do not know how to test it, then you may refuse. That is another thing. You’ll accept iron as gold. That is your ignorance. You do not know what is gold. But if you actually know what is gold, you will accept Krishna as God, there is no doubt about it. So this is the only platform, Bhagavad-gita. Everyone come and take to Krishna and understand God and learn how to love Him, and your life is perfect.”

-Srila Prabhupada, Lecture, 1st July 1976, New Vrindavana, West Virginia

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