
Chapter 13

Narada outlined the qualities of a sannyasi. Essential elements include simple living, travelling, begging, not drawing attention to oneself, becoming socially unentangled, peaceful, equipoised and absorbed in Krishna.

In this regard, Narada described the life of a saintly mendicant who remained aloof from society (avadhuta paramahamsa) and displayed symptoms of deep renunciation and detachment. Once, when questioned by Prahlada, the avadhuta explained his life story. After experiencing the false promises of material life and the emptiness of sense enjoyment, which always leads to frustration, the avadhuta turned away from such activities. He adopted the livelihood of a python (ajagara-vrtti), which stays in one place and eats only those things which come of their own accord. In this way, he offered many enlightening insights on the nature of the world and where our true happiness is to be found.

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