Hearing this, Vidura wondered how the Lord could be so involved with the material energy, and how the living entities could fall into such illusion. Maitreya confirmed that the activities of creation are conducted by the diverse energies of the Lord, who remains completely aloof and untouched. The living entity’s material sojourn, he said, is just like a dream that can be immediately terminated by engagement in devotional service.
Satisfied by this, Vidura asked Maitreya for further insight on Brahma’s creation of the universe after the appearance of the Universal Form. He specifically enquired about the:
• planetary systems and species of living entities
• Lord’s incarnations, particularly those that oversee the modes of nature (guna-avataras)
• system of Varnasrama and various means of spiritual elevation
• process of dharma, arta, kama and moksa
• process of satisfying the Lord.
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